Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thoughts of the morning

Well!  I have to say I'm proud of myself.  :)  I went to the gym last night, which means I went 4 out of the last 7 days; AND, on Sundays Jared, Pearce, and I went on a long bike ride.  So, for me, that's great!  I know that to some people it may not be a big deal, but I don't care what you think.  LOL  I joined Planet Fitness with Jared, and have been a member for a week now.  Their "motto" is "Judgement Free Zone."  You know, that's really nice...we all are at different levels and have different goals.  Who am I to judge someone else for not being the same as I am; or, who are you to make me feel inferior because I don't have a sculpted arms and a flat stomach?  I was looking around the gym as I was running on the treadmill, and realized how nice it was that it didn't seem like people were comparing themselves to other people.  I used to be a member at Urban Active, and there were always people walking around staring at other people who were working out that may not be in the best shape.....I hate that!  I am not in shape....at all.  lol  At Planet, we are all just there to do the best we can to get into shape....who cares if my legs jiggle more while I'm running than yours do?!  I was proud of myself for running 2.2 miles in 30 minutes!  LOL  The point is....I'm now doing what I need to do to be healthy...it doesn't matter what size or shape I am.  I'm me! 

I woke up this morning thinking about how we all judge people for different things...for size, shape, color, and actions.  As Christians, sometimes we fall into the trap of judging people and turning our noses up at them because of this or that.  I grew up with people that were so judgemental that they don't speak to people we grew up with for whatever reasons....because of where they went to school, because of what they wear, because they like whatever music (even CCM), or whatever mistakes they've made along the way.  We ALL make mistakes.  As Christians, we should love each other anyway.  Shouldn't we encourage and pray for each other when we see someone is going through a rough time?  What good does it do to snub someone...doesn't that actually do more harm than good?  Jesus isn't turning His back on any of us...why should I turn my back on someone else...who am I to judge? 

Okay...that was my rant for today....spoken from experience and from observation.  :)  I love you all!  God bless and have a superfantabulous day! 

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