Monday, June 13, 2011

This is new!

Well...I guess I'm finally catching up to "the times."  :)  People start blogs to let family and friends know what's going, to log weight loss and other goals, and just for the heck of it.  Sooo...I guess I'll jump on the wagon, too.  What's my purpose in starting a blog?  I suppose it's for all of those reasons. 

I moved away from a lot of friends in Florida, and I know I would like to keep up with what's going on in their lives; so, for anyone who wants to keep up with my you go!  I've been trying for about 7 years to lose weight, or to maintain my weight; but....I've only succeeded in gaining weight and not living healthy at all.  :P  So, maybe this will help me stay on top of it.  I also have a lot of random thoughts and like to vent about the craziness around me.  Maybe you'll find my blogs entertaining...or offensive if you don't believe what I do.  :)  At any rate, I just wanted to do something new - to get my thoughts on "paper." 

I don't know what these blogs will evolve into, and I definitely don't know how consistent I will be; but, it's all in fun!

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